I've just received the shock news of the untimely death of one of my old colleagues from Norfolk, Steve Henson.
Steve will not be known to most but I am deeply saddened at this loss. I worked on numerous ground breaking projects with Steve over the years - from mink and voles through to Fisheries Action Plans and River Restoration. We were also at the same University together (UEA - the best!). Steve went on to work for Norfolk Wildlife Trust and I the National Rivers Authority. Most unusually for someone with that background he could see the contribution that fishing and fisheries could make to improving local biodiversity. Our paths crossed regularly and I totalled up at least 6 major projects going back to 1998 we have both worked on. He always offered very pragmatic advice and was willing to lend a hand when required. I still remember marking out a restoration site at Holkham on the River Stiffkey, with garden canes and electrical tape!, which summed up his approach...practical advice and assistance!
Both myself and Steve went onto sit on the committee of the River Glaven Conservation Group and whilst my contribution was minor, I think it is safe to say that Steve's was impressive. Without him I think the Group would have struggled to achieve what they have.
The above picture is of both myself and Steve jetting spawning riffles on the Glaven at Thornage in Norfolk. I will remember him as considered, cheerful, positive and always willing to roll his sleeves up for the task in hand.
Although I haven't seen Steve for about two years I feel terribly saddened by his passing. My heart goes out to his wife,family and colleagues.