Well, after what seems like a very long, dark, wet, cold and grey winter...the 2011 trout season has arrived on Eden!
I took half a days leave today and fished my favourite beat on the middle river. Running at about '1ft on' the water looked trouty enough. However there was still a fair old push of flow through many of the pools and runs.
I opted for a trio approach. Tungsten bead Turkey Biot nymph on the point, Partridge and Orange on the middle dropper and Waterhen Bloa on the top dropper. After what seemed like an age I did connect with a 'Swift Trout' of about 1/2 pound (pictured above). Early season trout are not known for being shy and this wild little devil gave an account of itself that stockies of three times that size could only dream of!
At about 1pm a steady stream of LDO's started to drift downstream which did prompt some surface feeding. I switched to dry fly (snowshoe hare emerger) and rose two fish both of which I bumped off (too keen!).
Did I care? Not a bit!..... I was out on the river. It might have been raining, it might have been grey, but I found myself starting to look forward to the season ahead and all of the fly fishing possibilities that a spate river offers.
But its not just about the fishing. My best seasons are measured in terms of catching-up with old fishing friends, gallons of Kelly Kettle tea drunk , contented wet labradors , lazy lunchtime bankside BBQ's enjoyed and sinking more than a few pints of beer to celebrate red letter days!
I can hardly wait.........and I feel very lucky to be able to fish such a wonderful river.
Best of luck - wherever you fish - just as long as it's wild!