Week before last saw me on the banks of the main Eden at Eden Lacy and Warwick Hall. As is always the case at this time of year things really start to hot-up on dusk through to about 11.30pm. On both occasions this indeed proved to be the case. I enjoyed some wonderful wild sport to spinner patterns catching both grayling and brownies. I also lost two very big browns that took a spinner pattern, spun me around and spat the fly.......frustrating stuff, but it gets you fired-up for a return match. Both beats provide medium / large river wild trout fishing at it's best. You can book in advance for both beats for a reasonable amount. Full details of Eden Lacy are on the Fish Eden website which can be accessed through http://www.edenriverstrust.org.uk/ - and for Warwick Hall visit http://www.warwickhall.org/fishing
I finished my week on a real high with wild brown of 3.5lbs+ from a 'secret river'...but more of that another time!